Social Media

What did Mark Zuckerberg use to create Facebook?

The real story is something different than you would expect. Zuckerberg is not a genius coder but has skills in other areas. Adam D'Angelo - the former CTO of Facebook was pivotal in the creation of the big data website.

Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss and Divya Narendra were the people from whom Zuckerberg stole the idea of thefacebook. They had approached Zuckerberg asking for his assistance in creating a social network for Harvard students called "HarvardConnection" because their programmer got a high-paid job. He entered the project and continued the work of his predecessor but he never finished. Instead, he created based on the code of Harvard connection another project called “TheFacebook”. Following a lawsuit filed against Zuckerberg, eventually, all three received a settlement in 2008 that included 1.2 million shares in the company each. Facebook proved extremely popular with Harvard students when it was first launched, so much so that the site was soon also made available to students at Stanford, Yale and Columbia before expanding to numerous other colleges and then to the entire world.

Initially, it was built upon LAMP - Linux as an Operating system, Apache-server, Database-MySql, and PHP- server-side scripting language. But as the days passed, it has become huge. It uses HipHop Compiler (HHVM) that converts PHP to C++. For its chat service, Facebook initially used Erlang (The language which is used in the majority of messenger apps, such as WhatsApp). It has since switched over to C++. To cater and to store its enormous volume of photos and videos uses HayStack and Scribe for logging. Cassandra is a distributed storage system with no single point of failure used for its index search. And to analyze its data from its users, it uses technologies such as Hadoop and Hive. (non SQL) To make sure all these components, written in a diverse variety of languages and frameworks, work together seamlessly, it uses Thrift (developed internally) BigPipe their custom technology to accelerate page rendering using a pipelining logic. (each web page in sections -called “pagelets” for optimal performance.) Varnish Cache (HTTP accelerator) is used for HTTP proxying. They've preferred it for its high performance and efficiency. For Facebook Messages, they use their own architecture which is notably based on infrastructure dynamic cluster management. Business logic and persistence are encapsulated in the so-called 'Cell'. Each Cell handles a part of the users; new Cells can be added as popularity grows. Persistence is achieved using HBase.

Facebook is estimated to own more than 60,000 servers and a recent data center in Prineville, Oregon is based on entirely self-designed hardware. Their Hadoop and Hive cluster is made of 3000 servers with 8 cores, 32 GB RAM, and 12 TB disks which is a total of 24k cores, 96 TB RAM, and 36 PB disks. 300 TB of data is stored in Memcached processes. ( It’s a distributed memory caching system which use as a caching layer between the web servers and MySQL servers - since database access is relatively slow)

Additionally, here’s a list of other software products that Facebook is using internally:

Marketing: eMarketer, Factual, Mailgun, Owler

Sales and Support: BuiltWith, Congra, GetFeedback, Salesforce Sales Cloud

Product and Design: Blososm, Cage, Google Fonts, Sketch

Analytics: DialogTech, Google Analytics, MicroStrategy, StatCounter

HR: AngelList Jobs, Connectifier, CrowdFlower, Hired

Finance and Accounting: Bango, Fortumo, SpringCM

Productivity: Boardvantage, Do, Google Drive, Throttle

According to: Quora

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News about Social HR View Social Referals:

- Service reopen
- Drop rate low or non drop from 3/6, we still see, but we worked to filter bad views and becoming fine, you can place orders normally
- ID1104 price back to ~1.5/K and be a cheap server with a little bit slower speed, but not much difference


We temporarily disabled Social HR Views and ID630 as of drop issue and solving current orders as well as apply changes

Will be open in few days as planned


Some Youtube view (real traffic) having drop problem (currently seen on 27,28/2 and 1/3), we will work to apply fix to make it perform properly soon, order can be refilled


ID1223 and 218 minimum changed to 300 to prevent wrong delivery for too small order and reduce load

ID270 maximum changed to 1000, since bigger single link order may have duplicate views and cause drop, so you can use multiple videos to order each 1000 to achieve 4000 at once as each video only need 8 minutes+ length


ID1216 to 1511 Youtube Comment High Quality Account real Looking With Avatars, Target 3 countries and AI Intelligent Supported, you can add API


Native Ads's speed may slower for few days as order flowing to us higher than normal (for cheaper IDs), it is due to the problem of market. We will balance the speed back


YouTube HR Views | Suggested source 50-70% | Have Revenue 0.7 - 0.8$ / K - Good and Favored by clients - ID1157

1502 - [Own server] ★3.2 YOUTUBE SOCIAL VIEWS / NATIVE ADS + LIKE | Min 100 | Speed 1K/day - $0.8265 USD / 1000 - Slow speed than normal Native Ads - Service open


- 604 Youtube View Watch time
Require video from 5 minutes, instead of 6 minutes before
Price decreased




431 - [Own server] ★4.8 YOUTUBE SUPER FAST REAL ACTIVE USER PHONE SUBSCRIBERS FROM APPLICATION USERS + ENGAGEMENTS | Speed 10K/day - For silver play button condition purpose [𝗩𝗜𝗣 + 𝗛𝗤]

Services re-enabled
For demand of big channels run many subscribers and fast speed, as before


Youtube Watch Time - Organic 🕐

New category and good quality services
Service IDs: 771,382,380


270 - [Own server] ★3.4 Youtube Watch time - video ≥8 minutes | 500-4000 hours/day - With many extra view (details in description) 🔥 - $23.275 USD / 1000

We upgraded system and need more orders, price decreased for Resellers


We removed hired fees for Paypal add fund which mean we will add full received amount for now


ID376 Min adjusted to 3000 ID270 Max adjusted to 2000

Reason: So as to manage orders better of 2 IDs


270 - [Own server] ★3.4 Youtube Watch time - video ≥8 minutes | 500-4000 hours/day - With many extra view (details in description) 🔥

1157 - [Own server] ★3.0 YOUTUBE SUGGESTED HR Views | Monetizable | May have high revenue | No or low drop

376 - [Partnered service] ★3.1 YOUTUBE SUGGESTED Views | 5K-20K/day | Start 0-1h

Service enabled, receiving orders


Services 1104,130,872,873,630 receiving orders back and works as before now


Services 1157,335,1104,130,872,873,630,431,918 disabled. Reason: Changes on our country policies so out of resources and we need a few time to adjust needed things for it, we will open when possible

206,239 keep opening and work but speed reduced a lot due to less resources

The opening HR views on site works, but not expected as good as the disabling ones above, speed is slower and not always same for all orders


Services 1157,335,1104,130,872,873,630,206,239 being cancel issue as resource lack caused by policies update, we will work to open it since are important services, but if unable soon, we need to temporarily disable. Will be clearified on Monday


The estimated issues of Social HR Views, No refill SEO Views and ID1157,270,335 is up to this week, we hope to fix technical tool issue before early next week and process orders again. Currently, we cancelling new orders of these services or may temporarily disable them, you no need to do anything alse


Youtube has some Algorithm change that effect some our Social HR Views, ID1157,270,335 methods so we doing some upgrade on it, estimated 24-48 hours (more for ID270) have cancelled orders on these services


1475 - [Own server] ★2.9 FACEBOOK PROFILE + PAGE FOLLOW | Worldwide | Speed 2K-10K/day ⛔ - $0.9595 USD / 1000

656 - [Partnered service] ★3.0 Twitter Follower | Less drop - $4.427 USD / 1000

Good services, admin choices


1475 [Own server] ★2.9 FACEBOOK PROFILE + PAGE FOLLOW | Worldwide | Speed 2K-10K/day ⛔

New Worldwide Facebook followers developed by us


As general update, Tiktok follow mostly speed under 500/day, and not run smoothly.

1469 [Own server] ★3.6 Tiktok Follows | Speed 500-1K/day | 30 days guarantee | Real looking users | Vietnam User - Speed ~200-400/day currently


We received some report that Social View HR, with Like has lower retention on last 2 week and we did some technical traffic work, it increased retention back now and you can notify the clients


1450 [Máy chủ riêng] ★4.2 Bình luận trên Facebook | Tùy chỉnh | Hầu hết tài khoản là người Việt | Trông thật với hình đại diện, bài đăng, tương tác, bình luận có kèm nhãn dán, gắn thẻ (Đọc hướng dẫn) - Dịch vụ chọn lọc


1469 - [Own server] ★3.6 Tiktok Follows | Speed 500-1K/day | 30 days guarantee | Real looking users | Vietnam User - $1.52 USD / 1000

1470 - [Own server] ★3.6 Tiktok Custom Comments | Speed 1K+/day | 30 days guarantee | Real looking users | Vietnam User - $10.127 USD / 1000

Good new Tiktok services (our Phone farm internal country base)


1453 - [Own server] ★2.6 YOUTUBE Views HR for SEO | Source: Google Search | Retention depends on video length | 500-1K/day | 30 day refill - $1.235 USD / 1000 - Good selection service


1113 ★2.4 FACEBOOK POST LIKE | 500-2K/day
894 ★2.9 FACEBOOK Post Love
895 ★2.9 FACEBOOK Post Haha
896 ★2.6 FACEBOOK Post Wow
897 ★2.8 FACEBOOK Post Care
901 ★2.9 FACEBOOK Post Sad
902 ★2.9 FACEBOOK Post Angry
1114 [Own server] ★2.4 FACEBOOK PROFILE + PAGE FOLLOW | Phone | Speed 2K-10K/day
1115 [Own server] ★2.8 FACEBOOK PAGE LIKE | Phone | Speed 1K-5K/day

All working good with completion rate in time of 90-95%, good support, you can add / enable API if needed


1114 - [Own server] ★2.4 FACEBOOK PROFILE + PAGE FOLLOW | Phone | Speed 2K-10K/day - $1.045 USD / 1000

1115 - [Own server] ★2.8 FACEBOOK PAGE LIKE | Phone | Speed 1K-5K/day - $1.14 USD / 1000

Working and completion rate around 90-95%, you can check and add APIs


Add fund through Binance USDT updates:

You can follow instruction on Add fund page by sending money and contact on chat on site for adding quickly since it will actively added by staff if detect the transaction without admin approval anymore


1196 [Own server] ★3.2 YOUTUBE SUBSCRIBERS | Faster | Speed 5K/day | 30 days guarantee

1129 [Own server] ★3.1 YOUTUBE SUBSCRIBERS | Faster | Speed 3K/day | 30 days guarantee

Speed can now reach as on the service name, as we have more server slots for these services


525 [Own server] ★2.9 YOUTUBE VIEWS + SHORTS VIEWS | Bonus Likes | 30 days refill - Natural pattern
We need more orders - PM Telegram +84832468000 for private price set on username

ID270 and 376 were temporarily disabled as of being unstable for some technical update. We will open when possible ASAP


Youtube subscriber ID1045 and 1065 now NO need video still can run


1. 1114 - [Own server] ★2.2 FACEBOOK PROFILE FOLLOW (Pages can be used) | Phone | Speed 2K-10K/day - $1.045 USD / 1000 Re-enabled, working well

2. 656 - [Partnered service] ★3.0 Twitter Follower | Less drop - Re-open BETA and working properly


ID270 watch time canceling new order as of overload. Ordered orders may have few drop recently due to this reason. We will fix in a couple days


Binance Auto Payment added


ID381 maintance and will open once problems not occur


ID381 having some delays, dropping, ... (having problems) - Do not use if you cannot wait or can endure problems
We only recommend ID881 and 270 for Youtube watch time


Cheaper Youtube watch time having a delay. We will see if solved in 24 hours
ID270 and 881 always best choice for Youtube watch time


1. We added many servers and tokens for Facebook post like services which almost no cancel issue now

2. Get used with option Manual Payment:
Beside Auto method, we have Manual methods, and you can try to do with Payment support page
Clarification of Payment support page: It is for infos and screenshot and approve by Admin, it may take fast to few hours depend on some factors, but it is reliable place, you may no need to send on Chat or Social chat platforms when already submit on the page


We forced to adjust % bonus on Perfectmoney payment due to our country policy on using it, we support only a small bonus for your paid transaction fees and further
Bonuses clearified on Add fund page


1. 1435,1436,1437,381 Youtube watch time: You can wait for more around 5-7 days and use it for API, it works but we doing some adjustment since it was in beta mode and see some drop cases, even less happen but it is better to use it in next some days
If service opening in the coming days, mean it passed beta mode
Better IDs is still 881 and 270 for Youtube watch time

2. As of high load and blockings so opening facebook post likes sometimes be cancelled, that is to prevent further problem like holding orders or complete by mistake. Otherwise IDs run OK


About Facebook post like, we noticed the issue of blocking like, may cause many order delivered without likes added in recent 3 days so we disabled temporarily server 457,886,388 and increase price of opening servers which running properly, for old issued IDs you can request refunds


We facing delivery on like issue with facebook post like services and fixing under clock, will notify here when fixed


Some Facebook orders may not as expected as of some scans


1. On site support or instant support mostly for order queries checked by staffs, do not ask too broad infos there or push unnecessary pressures, or abuse it, if so we cannot give best and fast support for some cases

2. We added few Youtube subscribers and watch time with competitive prices, you can check and add more APIs


1. Facebook post like speed is good now

2. ID1314 FREE TIKTOK VIEW may not perform well today, but may be back tomorrow. Orders will be marked as done since it is free

3. We are performing system updates for ID270, 376, 1157, and orders will be cancelled in 1-2 days


Sample news